weight loss

Weight Control

Hypnotherapy and NLP can help you to totally change your relationship with food, enabling you to lose weight, and be easily in control without the endless battling of diet after diet.

As part of the process, hypnotherapy can show you how to feel more relaxed physically and mentally, and much more confident within yourself.

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How food is used

  • Hypnotherapy is so effective because it can remove the need to eat for emotional reasons. We are the only species on earth that eats to help our feelings and the only species that gets overweight. It's no coincidence!

  • Most clients' weight problems start from their self confessed need to eat when they are either nervous, bored, sad, stressed, happy, lonely, anxious, frustrated, afraid ... but not when they are hungry! Hypnotherapy and NLP techniques can develop other automatic ways of satisfying these triggers without having to resort to overeating.

  • It's sad but true that due to our conditioning since birth, we all tend to indulge our feelings using food. But no amount of food is going to change the way we feel longterm so our minds will never feel satisfied. They just end up feeling worse.

Your natural balance

Hypnotherapy allows us to simply return our food habits to their natural state ... of being purely hunger led. It can enable your mind to feel better about itself by 'unhooking' it from unhealthy food habits. Combined with some relaxation and confidence building sessions you can then become free to get the most from life and the new you.

The Unhappy circle

It is well known that the more overweight you are, the more likely you are to have physical health problems.

However it shouldn't be forgotten that being unhappy about 'who you are' and how you look can also lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It's easy to see how that vicious circle develops where overeating for comfort only succeeds in increasing the problem in the long term.

Why lose weight?

There are many reasons for losing weight and you will have your own unique set.

Some of the most common aims to lose weight are to:

  • Feel more confident

  • Feel good about yourself

  • Have more energy

  • Look better in your clothes

  • Not get out of breath so much

  • Enjoy shopping for clothes

  • Look forward to holidays and special occasions

In studies, people who have lost significant amounts of weight said they were more energetic, felt more confident, felt their health had improved, got more attention from people, had a better mood and even felt they were better at their job.

Being overweight puts you more at risk of developing health problems.

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • Stroke

  • Certain types of cancer

  • Sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep)

  • Gout (joint pain caused by excess uric acid)

  • Gallbladder disease.

  • Steoarthritis (wearing away of the joints).

Hypnotherapy treatment to help weight loss

The first sessions

Will be concerned with getting to grips with the particular issues you face with regards to weight and to generate a plan to produce enjoyable, healthy eating for life. Relaxation and confidence-building in trance should also prepare you nicely for the changes ahead.

The second phase

Will deal with addressing your unique triggers to unhealthy eating, and aiming for you to be less reliant on food to make you feel better. We'll also look at the disparity between what food your body actually craves and what food your mind feeds it. Through hypnosis your mind can become more naturally aligned with your body's true needs and will find healthier food more and more appealing.


Whatever it is that triggers your unhealthy eating, we can normally replace those responses with other enjoyable and more healthy activities. This way you can feel good about yourself, not just in the moment, but for good!

Treatment length

The solutions are as varied as people. However, the 'average' treatment plan will usually address the following four main areas using a combination of hypnotherapy and NLP:

Contact Me

To book in, or discuss anything you need (no obligation), please ring me on 07719 833 814 or use the form below.

Alternatively you can email me at enquiry@hypnotherapyderbyshire.net.

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